First Shoes

On the 3rd September we took DD to Clark’s to get her very first pair of proper shoes.

She’s been getting on so well with the £2 H&M pram shoes and the hand-me-down wellies (that are pretty hideous if I’m totally honest), plus the fact she wants to now be walking outside, we decided she needs proper shoes.

Off we went to Barnstaple to get her feet measured, dreaming of the BEAUTIFUL yellow patent leather shoes I’d already seen and decided on. So imagine my disappointment when I very quickly realised the choice of shoe was ridiculously limited due to the sheer amount of school shoes on show!

However, the yellow shoes were there!!!!

So on to the measuring, by a rather abrupt representative, who soon had her hard shell melting away by our beautiful little girl.

It turns out DD has THE TINIEST FEET! She is JUST a 3 with a G width (cursed with my wide feet… apologies darling). The lady immediately warned me that choice would be very limited as they don’t really start First shoes until size 4, less than that it’s only cruisers.

Off she went into the back to get the ONLY pair of walking shoes they had in store, a pair of white sandals (thanks to it being the end of summer these were in the sale) but showed me a couple of styles online that she could order in, both were pretty hideous so we went with the sandals that I hate to say, I don’t love.

I wanted to love her first shoes.

I suppose the important thing to say here is that SHE loved them, and she desperately needed shoes so off she roundly walked, out of the shop in her first proper pair of shoes.

Our beautiful little girl.

As a little side note, since removing the socks and the longer I see her in them, I’m beginning to like them. A damn sight better than the pink monstrosities that we’re the only other option.

16 Months Old

On the 9th August DD turned 16 months old. What absolutely amazing weather we continue to have. Trouble being that it’s it too hot and sunny to be out in it all day so we’ve been having lots of early morning beach time so that we’re back home by mid to late morning to chill with some shade and the paddling pool.

We went home to Lyme for a week at the end of July where we did lots of fun things, as well as some pretty sad things on having to attend the funeral of my best friend’s father. We had a little trip to Exeter which meant getting DS’ feet measured in Clark’s, to help pass the time I put a pair of patent leather yellow shoes on DDs feet and OH MY, the tantrum that ensued when I had to take them off was out of this world. I’ve decided not to buy her shoes until she’s walking everywhere, namely outside so didn’t think to get her feet measured, I ended up buying a pair of soft shoes from H&M for £2….. she LOVES them.

We’ve seen lots of lasts for DS this month including the last Beat Bus. Next month will be truly crippling for me as we prepare for his school.


This has been pretty good this month, a small cold but nothing to write home about. I even wonder whether this is maybe even tooth related, not that we’ll ever know.


This has been a little all over the place lately, again I’m assuming teething or developmental related, or heat, needless to say I’m one tired mama. Naps are pretty much clockwork 9.30/10.00 for anywhere between 1 and 2 hours (the latter being the most beneficial) and bedtime is still about 6.30pm



I suppose this is the most amazing development this month. On the 19th July DD walked the entire length of the lounge hands free. She’s still favoured crawling, of course, but this pretty much vanished by the 28th July when it occurred to me that she was pretty much walking everywhere. I’ll miss her little Moschops crawl, she did have the cutest crawl but you can’t stop progress huh?!

Communication (Verbal, non-verbal)

This has stepped up a gear this month. She’s making lots more sounds now and there is intonation in them.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, she’s a feisty one. She knows EXACTLY what she wants and if she doesn’t get it she will face plant the carpet and scream. I can see the twos being muchos fun!


Lift the flap books

Shoes/Boots have become a bit of an obsession, I fear we have a little Imelda Marcos here.


Walking. On the 19th our darling daughter took her first confident, independent and persistent steps where she confidentially crossed the room. By the 28th she was walking pretty much everywhere.

Shoes. On the 3rd September we took DD to buy her first pair of shoes. Read more about that here.


She is still eating ok though this month has been hit or miss. I’m thinking it’s because her tooth is coming through that she’s gone off the more solid foods and favouring soft foods and boob.


On the 25th July I noticed that her lower right first molar is pushing through. This is likely to explain a LOT of recent behaviour and food changes.


Weighed a week late this month but she’s currently 22Ib and 3oz and following her 50th line nicely.

She’s still in size 3 nappies but we’re running low on stock for those now so she’ll be moving up soon and currently still in 9-12 month clothing on the whole and have noticed her 6-9 Next sleepsuits are finally fitting her as they should do it’s nearly time to retire them.


I’m doing ok, a little up and down as is the norm for this time of year. Unfortunately my friend’s dad’s funeral fell in my own fathers’ anniversary and it brought back some quite painful emotions, that coupled with yet another disappointing birthday (that had actually started beautifully with a lovely birthday breakfast at Swim in Lyme Regis with Auntie and friend’s, then I went home) kind of culminated in a very low mood which I’m struggling to snap out of.

Money continues to be extremely tight which just causes all manner of stresses and strains and I have no idea how I’m ever going to get back to work with no help with childcare. I’m well aware OH has very little respect for me and this is probably due to the fact I’m a SAHM (of which he ironically says is our only option, poo pooing the idea of me working weekends as this is ‘family time’… I’m well aware it’s because he doesn’t want to have to be solely responsible for both children). I swear he thinks I’m stupid, if he even deigns to listen to what I’m saying at all. Anyway, that’s a whole different story.

Weight has fluctuated so much lately, I keep dipping in and out of my target range and as of the 1st August I had lost the 2Ib I needed to get back into range at 9 stone 3Ib.

My running’s going ok, though I’ve had to knock back the distance back to 4km as my knee was becoming a problem due to increasing distance too quickly. So currently I’m running 4km 4-5 times a week.